Applications may be downloaded using the buttons above. You may submit completed applications by email to awards@boulderflatironsrotary.org.
The Boulder Flatirons Rotary Club has two special awards granted each year to recognize individuals in our community.
This year Oak Thorne was honored as our Spark Plug Award winner and we surprised him at our 25th Anniversary Charter Celebration with the CU Buffoons acapella group that he founded in 1962. Oak joined the boys in their final harmony for a Buffoon traditional anthem. Oak was truly moved by the evening celebration. As an undergraduate at Yale, he was tasked with knocking on doors in Long Island to get donations to purchase a Fire Island sunken forest to protect. This ultimately was the start of The Nature Conservancy. That event 'sparked' future endeavors including the Thorne Nature Experience which is a local anchor for environmental education. https://thornenature.org/about/history/
Our Literacy Award Winners this year were Boulder Spellbinders https://spellbinders.org/affiliate-boulder-valley/ and Susan Cobb of NOAA Global Systems Laboratory Oceanic and Atmospheric Research https://gsl.noaa.gov/profiles/susan.cobb.
Learn About our Awards
● To recognize a Rotarian, or Non-Rotarian in Boulder, whose life and work exemplify the Rotary Ideal of Service…Service Above Self.
● To recognize an individual who sparked a new project or initiative which promotes goodwill, understanding, and peace, or…
● To recognize an individual who has been a “Spark Plug” at his or her place of work, or in his/her contribution of time, talent, and/or treasure to the community.
We recognize the excellence of a Boulder County individual or non-profit organization focused on various types of literacy including financial literacy, health literacy, reading and writing, medial literacy, and digital literacy. The $1,000 award may be split between two individuals and/or non-profits.